Com a mudança de foco para o público gamer e a inserção de novos programas na grade, a TV Loading solicitou uma campanha com linguagem visual de games de 8bits a ser veiculada tanto na TV quanto na Internet. Para a TV, foram produzidos 3 vídeos que tiveram como objetivo instigar a curiosidade do que viria com a nova programação. Fui responsável pela animação e a arte é do designer Manuel Scrofft.
With the change of focus to the gamer audience and the insertion of new programs in the grid, TV Loading requested a campaign with visual language of 8bit games to be broadcast both on TV and on the Internet. For TV, 3 videos were produced that aimed to instigate curiosity about what would come with the new programming. I was responsible for the animation and the art is by the designer Manuel Scrofft.
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